Important Dates
Full Paper Submission:
June 4th, 2017
extended deadline: June 23rd, 2017
extended extended deadline: June 30th, 2017
Acceptance Notification:
July 3rd, 2017
July 17th, 2017
July 24th, 2017
Final Version due:
August 15th, 2017
Workshop Day:
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8th International Workshop onService Oriented Architectures in Converging Networked Environments (SOCNE)in conjunction with 18th IEEE International Conference on
in the IEEE Xplore library |
Slides of the presentations:
Invited Speech: "Services for the Internet of Things with CoAP" by Matthias Kovatsch
"Congestion Control for CoAP Cloud Services" by August Betzler, Carles Gomez, Ilker Demirkol, Matthias Kovatsch
"An Optimized WS-Eventing for Large-Scale Networks" by Jan Skodzik, Vlado Altmann, Peter Danielis, Moritz Koal, Dirk Timmermann
"Maintaining Traceability Links between Design and Runtime Architectures to support Autonomic Management" by Philippe Lalanda, Stephanie Chollet, Etienne Gandrille, Catherine Hamon
"A model based development approach for building automation systems" by Björn Butzin, Frank Golatowski, Christoph Niedermeier, Norbert Vicari, Egon Wuchner
"Machine ballets don’t need conductors: Towards scheduling based service choreographies in a real-time SOA for industrial automation" by Thomas Kothmayr, Alfons Kemper, Andreas Scholz, Jörg Heuer
"Real-time Billing as a Service A standard-based proof-of-concept implementation" by Stephan Flake, Jürgen Tacken, Carsten Zoth
"Open SOA Health Web Platform for Mobile Medical Apps" by Jörg-Uwe Meyer
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