Important Dates
Full Paper Submission:
June 4th, 2017
extended deadline: June 23rd, 2017
extended extended deadline: June 30th, 2017
Acceptance Notification:
July 3rd, 2017
July 17th, 2017
July 24th, 2017
Final Version due:
August 15th, 2017
Workshop Day:
6th IEEE International Workshop onService Oriented Architectures in Converging Networked Environments (SOCNE2011)in conjunction with 16th IEEE International Conference on
in the IEEE Xplore library |
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Slides of the presentations:
OSAMI COMMONS - An open platform for dynamic services for ambient intelligence. Naci Dai (ETERATION A.S); Jesus Bermejo (Telvent); Felix Cuadrado Latasa (Univ. Politecnica de Madrid); Alejandra Ruiz López (Tecnalia); Isaac Agudo (Univ. de Malaga); Elmar Zeeb (Univ. of Rostock); Jan Krueger, Oliver Dohndorf (Univ. of Dortmund); Wolfgang Thronicke (Siemens); Christoph Fiehe, Anna Litvina (Materna)
Autonomic Enterprise Service Bus. Philippe Lalanda, Issac Garcia (LIG, Grenoble); Denis Morand (Schneider Electric)
A New Approach for Automatic Generation of Tests for Next Generation Network Communication Services. Marten Fischer, Ralf Tönjes, Rolf Lasch (Univ. of Applied Sciences Osnabrück)
Integration of Medical Equipment into SOA - enabling Technology for efficient Workflow Management. Lars Lindemann, Mario Thron, Thomas Bangemann (Institut fuer Automation und Kommunikation e.V.); Oliver Grosser (Universitaetsklinikum Magdeburg)
User-Generated Mobile Services for Health and Fitness. Alexandra Chapko, Marc Gräßle, Andreas Emrich, Dirk Werth (German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence); Carsten Rust (Morpho e-Documents); Jürgen Tacken (Orga Systems GmbH); Stephan Flake (Orga Systems GmbH); Nico Laum (Univ. of Rostock); Christian Lerche (Univ. of Rostock); Alexander Weber (Deutsches Lauftherapiezentrum e.V.)
Towards self-organization of networked medical devices. Joachim Hänsel (Fraunhofer Institute for Computer Architecture and Software Technology); Matthias Hovestadt (Technische Universitaet Berlin); Michael John (Fraunhofer Institute for Computer Architecture and Software Technology); Odej Kao, Andreas Kliem (Technische Universitaet Berlin)
Service offloading in Adaptive Real-Time Systems. Luis Lino Ferreira, Guilherme Silva, Luis Miguel Pinho (CISTER Research Group/ISEP)
Requirements for Smart Home Applications and Realization with WS4D-PipesBox. Elmar Zeeb, Guido Moritz (Univ. of Rostock); Christian Beckel, Heinz Serfas (Robert Bosch GmbH); Frank Golatowski, Dirk Timmermann (Univ. of Rostock)
Adaptive and Reliable Binding in Ambient Service Systems. Jan Krüger, Oliver Dohndorf, Heiko Krumm (TU Dortmund Univ.); Christoph Fiehe, Anna Litvina, Ingo Lück, Franz-Josef Stewing (MATERNA Information & Communications)
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